July 25th, 2023

Dear CSUF Supporters,

Thank you all for your support of the Canadian Support Ukraine Foundation.

I would like to introduce myself. I am Dale Shumka’s daughter Marnie. As you may know, Dale passed
away on June 25th, 2023. It has taken some time for our family to process the sudden loss and gather our
bearings. During this time, we have continued to be in contact with Andriy Dorosh and countless other
volunteers in both Ukraine and Canada who continue to support the Foundation. We are also grateful
for the donations received in Dale’s honour.

We are incredibly proud of all the work that has been done since the creation of CSUF and want to
reassure our donors that CSUF will continue to help the people of Ukraine.
Although my Dad started CSUF, the Foundation is greater than one person and we look forward to
carrying on his mission. One of the most valuable lessons my Dad taught was the importance of helping
others in need and being an advocate for those who may not have a voice. Dale’s philanthropy began
long before the invasion of Ukraine but as a proud Ukrainian, we cannot think of a better legacy for him
than CSUF.

Unfortunately, the war in Ukraine is ongoing and the need for support is still necessary. Andriy’s updates
illustrate how the citizens of Ukraine continue to suffer and how your continued involvement improves
the lives of individual Ukrainians during this terrible time. Something as simple as diapers or formula
for a child in need can be as lifesaving as bulletproof helmets, night vision goggles or drones provided to
the front lines. It is important to also recognize that none of the donations would be possible without
the many brave volunteers in Ukraine who risk their lives to get these supplies to those in need.

We appreciate all of the donations and understand how difficult the current economy is for many. Some
of you may want to donate but are unable to at this time. We are grateful for your continued
involvement by receiving Andriy’s updates and sharing those stories with others. CSUF was started to
financially support the citizens of Ukraine but it is also important to continue to share these stories so
that Ukrainians know that the world has not forgotten.

My brother Matthew is a serving member of the Canadian military and will be deployed overseas for an
upcoming NATO mission but is ready to become more involved with CSUF upon his return. Our entire
family is committed to CSUF and the strength and resilience of the Ukrainian people continue to inspire
and motivate us. We thank each and every one of you for your support.
I look forward to working with all of you and please feel free to reach out to me directly.

Slava Ukraini!
Marnie Shumka

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