Friends of Ukraine:

It was only twelve short months ago that the free nation of Ukraine was attacked without provocation by Russia. What Vladimir Putin believed would be a quick seventy-two hour invasion to conquer Ukraine has become a war of attrition. It has not been a conflict of army versus army. Russia has indiscriminately targeted civilians hoping to terrorize the nation into submission.

The loss of life, damaged property as well loss of livelihood continues to create a huge demand for humanitarian aid and support for the military. All Ukrainians are locked arm and arm as never before in their commitment to defeat and force the Russian invaders out of all of Ukraine.

From its inception in early March 2022, the Canadian Support Ukraine Foundation (CSUF) in partnership with Andriy Dorosh and his team at Dorosh Heritage Tours and the many additional brave volunteers have worked tirelessly to keep delivering a constant supply of humanitarian aid to those in need and vital supplies and technical equipment to the military. We continue to post regular updates on the CSUF website to keep our donor community up to date with an unfiltered view of life in Ukraine at war.

CSUF’s work in Ukraine has all been made possible by generous donations from donors such as yourself and again we would like to thank you for your valuable support. Your donations are truly making a difference and the people of Ukraine are forever grateful.

February 24, 2023 will mark the one-year milestone of the conflict and it is important that we take this opportunity to remember the thousands of casualties, the innocent lives lost and the many injured whose lives have been altered forever. 

February 24th will be a day to be remembered for eternity not only by the people of Ukraine but by all freedom-loving people of the world.


Dale Shumka


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