The picture above has been taken in Andriivka in Kyiv province. The village has survived the occupation. It’s the boot of Petro’s daughter. He’s a refugee and you’ll meet him below. We lack words to tell you about the experience of visiting Petro’s village and it’s best to explain by this video:
Last week, we delivered some humanitarian aid to Makariv area in Kyiv province: about 2300 loaves of bread and some other food. We brought a welding machine, a chainsaw, some cutting wheels, and other instruments. We have also brought some basic building materials.
We have established contact with the local authorities and we can understand the real needs. There’s so much to be done.
Getting ready for the trip to Makariv area
The typical views of the towns on our way
In the next picture, you can see Petro from Andriivka. It’s one of the most damaged villages in Makariv district. You can find the stories of other refugees from Andriivka in our previous posts. Petro has joined us to visit his village.
Petro is loading the boxes with humanitarian help to deliver to Andriivka
It’s very inspiring to see how determined the locals are to restore Andriivka. It’s amazing to feel the unbreakable Ukrainian spirit after everything they had to go through. It also hurts because while the houses, like Petro’s house you see in the video, can be rebuilt, the lost lives of his neighbors and fellow villages cannot.
We do our best to help the Ukrainian people and we encourage you to join us. It is the way to provide direct support to those who need it the most.